Outreach Activities

As a Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow and a former McNair Scholar, I bring a deep-rooted, personal commitment to raising awareness, accessibility, and opportunities in STEM research to underrepresented groups. Outside of research, I am part of the Engineering Biology Research Consortium’s effort to extend the reach of synthetic biology beyond research-intensive (R1) institutions. I am also a long-time mentor for the international Genetically Engineering Machines (iGEM) and have served as a mentor for high school and collegiate teams to compete in the annual iGEM Jamboree. My mentorship effort was recognized with the Most Dedicated Mentor Award by the iGEM community in 2021.

Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) Seminar Day, Presentation Judge, 2023

Art of Molecular Programming Grass-root Textbook Initiative, Editor, 2022-present

EBRC SPA: Applying to Graduate Fellowships Virtual Workshop, Panelist, 2022

EBRC Graduate Student & Postdoc Association (SPA) Board, Vice President, 2022-present

EBRC SPA: Government and Industry Mentorship Program, Co-chair, 2021-present

EBRC SPA: Undergraduate Societies Outreach Initiative, Co-lead, 2021-present

An Assessment of Short-Term Milestones in EBRC’s 2019 Roadmap, Engineering Biology, Contributor, 2023

Engineering Biology for Climate & Sustainability: A Research Roadmap for a Cleaner Future., Contributor, 2021-2022

International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Giant Jamboree, Judge, 2020-present

Georgia Tech President’s Undergraduate Research Award, Reviewer, 2018-2022